Well...It has been quite a while since I have written last. So much has happened and it has been quite a crazy month all in all.
1.The Boys
We have also been working on boys and girls. He knows that Mommy is a girl and Daddy is a boy and "brudder" is a boy and Harley is a boy and that Cayden is a boy. Although he will change his gender if it benefits him. Mommy was putting on makeup and Cayden decides he wants to put on makeup too. I tell him that makeup is for girls and of course he says, "Cayden is a girl."
Emresen has been doing quite well!! He has turned into a pretty happy baby for the most part, all 13 lbs and 24 inches of him. The doctor bumped up his reflux medicine at his last visit and I changed the times around and he seems to be doing much better. We are hoping it continues!! He has been smiling a lot and seems to be developing a little personality of his own. Cayden has been doing really well with him...doesn't seem to get too jealous. Although on the occasion Cay will tell me that it is time for his "brudder" to go night night so that he can have Mommy's full attention.
Cay has turned into quite the talker. He is talking clearer and clearer everyday. Although sometimes he will be trying to tell me something and it takes me forever to figure out what he wants. We got him a Winnie the Pooh seat for his birthday, which is the perfect size for him. So, we have been trying to get him to sit in his seat when he is watching a movie instead of standing 2 inches from the TV (which of course is his preference). Well, the other day I say, "Cayden, why don't you go sit in your "Pooh Seat." Cayden proceeds to run around the house yelling "Pooh Seat". Which normally I wouldn't think anything about except for the fact that in "toddler talk" Cayden is leaving the "T" off the end. And you can only imagine what that sounds like....bleh!! The worst word on the face of the planet. I am about to hyperventilate as I am trying to get him to just say seat and praying that he never says that again until he can pronounce it correctly. YIKES!!
We officially added a new member to the family. Dani, Cayden's babysitter and best buddy, brought Cayden a fishy for his 2nd birthday. He is so in love and has named him Memo....toddler talk for Nemo.
2. July 4th
We decided to go to Callaway Gardens with my parents for July 4th this year. We went for July 4th when Cayden was only 5 weeks old and we had so much fun so we decided to go back. Of course, plans can change very quickly when you have 2 babies. First off, Emresen decides to scream almost the whole way there.(He hates the car) We are hoping that once we get there we will be able to calm him down. It takes a while but I was finally able to get him to calm down and go to sleep in the stroller while we have a picnic. But, of course we are sitting at a picnic table where we are joined by the loudest birds on the face of the planet, so little man only gets a 30 minute nap which leads to more screaming. Bryan ended up taking him home shortly after lunch but Cayden and I were able to stay...what a sweet Daddy!! We went to the circus and to see the butterflies. Cayden was quite the trooper. We also took him to see fireworks for the first time that night with the Shoppe family. (Might I add the sweetest people I know.) I was afraid that he would be scared and he was at first. But, he warmed up to them quickly and had such a blast. Every time one would go off he would say "boom, boom, boom". He cried when we left which I am sure had a lot to do with how tired he was.
2. Houston...we have a tee-tee in the potty
So, we have been working on trying to get Cayden to do his poo-poo and his tee-tee in the potty. He will sit on the potty nakey but has no interest in actually going. So, I had a girlfriend tell me to try putting his feet in warm water while he is sitting to see if it will help him go. Well, a couple days ago I decided to give it a go. It definitely intrigued him so that he would sit there longer. He sat on the potty watching TV with his feet in warm water and drinking orange soda (which I thought might help too). AND......an hour later we have a tee-tee in the potty....woohoo!! I heard him go. I don't even think he realized that he went. We made a huge deal jumping up and down, giving high fives, double high fives, and even some knucks (Which awesome Uncle Chris taught him). I am sure he was wondering what the big deal was. All he did was stand up, turn around, look in the potty and say, "Ewww...yucky....mess....ellow (aka: yellow)"
3. New Job
Bryan was laid off from his job about 2 weeks ago. I got a phone call that morning from him telling me that he was on his way home. I can't even explain the feeling...just awful. We both had no idea what to do especially with two babies to take care of. We knew that God had a plan for us we just didn't know what it was yet. Bryan started looking for jobs immediately. He stayed on the computer all day long trying to find something. The Lord provided as we knew He would. Bryan was offered another job on Friday with a bank in Buckhead. WOW!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!
I have learned so much the past couple of weeks some things I already knew....
- We have an amazing God who provides everything we need. No matter how much we plan, it is ultimately His plan. My life is completely in His hands and I am so thankful for that.
- I have been blessed with the most amazing husband in the world who is such an incredible father to our two beautiful children. He is an amazing provider for our family in every way. I thank God for him every day.
- Children are so innocent. I love how everything seemed to be falling a part and my boys kept smiling, laughing, playing....they are always so full of life. Beautiful:)
- We have the most incredible family and friends anyone could ever have. Everyone came to our rescue and just showered us with thoughts, prayers, love and support. It meant so much to have so many people concerned for our family and I thank God for each and every one of you every single day. I can't even express how much you all mean to our family. We love you so!
How wonderful that Brian found a job so quickly! I know the feeling . . . Jack was laid off in February and was home for five weeks before starting his new job. It is frustrating, but the innocent smiles of those little boys help it all melt away! P.S. - I love the matching outfits.
Yay! You are back to the blog world. I missed you. Sounds like a lot has certainly kept you busy but God was with you the whole way. Thank you for the sweet comments you wrote on my blog. I truly appreciate it.
Yea for potty success!!! That's great news. I love the boys' matching outfits. Too cute. That's been one of my favorite things...dressing the girls alike. Also I can't get over how similar they resemble each other.
I think I had heard most of this since I haven't checked on your blog in a while, lol! I hadn't heard Cayden's version of "Pooh Seat" though... hilarious! But, like you said... gotta get the T on the end of that one ASAP! LOL! Can't wait to see you guys on Saturday! LOVE you!
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